PERU – The Peru School Committee has failed to reach an agreement on the school calendar for 2003-04.

Superintendent John Turner submitted two different plans, both calling for school to start in August. The plans were in concert with the SAD 43 and SAD 21 projected calendars and facilitated the use of buses.

School Committee member Rick Colpitts spoke of the value of having August as a complete family vacation month. He suggested that more of the teacher work days be put before the students started. School would begin after Labor Day, which this year falls on Sept. 1.

Debra Dolloff, on behalf of the teaching staff, said most teachers felt the students were more ready to return to school in August than to stay in school into June.

Turner said he felt there was no real value in waiting until September and wanted to coordinate as much as possible with the buses. Also he needed the workdays throughout the year, he said.

After several motions were voted down or failed to get a second, Chairman Tammi Lyons asked Turner to try and work up another plan which could be discussed at the next committee meeting.

Before the meeting the committee was in executive session to evaluate Turner.

When the meeting opened, Librarian Constance Bragdon gave her report on library progress this year. Though grades kindergarten through five visit the library every week, there is no formal library lesson. Her goal this year of putting her library inventory on the computer has virtually been met. She has 5,600 books completed and lacks only the references and paper books to add. Her goal for next year is to have classes for all students so they will be able to use and reference the electronic system.

Turner said one of the older buses was being retired. Workers are able to do cosmetic work on the body so it will last the year, but a new bus will have to be purchased. The down payment for this lease purchase will come out of funds in capital reserve. This expenditure will go before voters in a referendum in June.

Turner presented figures on the bottom line of merging with SAD 21. Presently Peru’s cost totals approximately $964,768.00 for the year.

By merging, the total cost to the town will be approximately $955,803.

Turner said each town would be helped by the merger and keeping their present school will increase in cost further down the road. He hopes to take the vote to the town by June and have at least two public hearings before then. This time frame may not be feasible, however.

In other news, Turner announced the resignation of Rick Gaurin, the guidance counselor as of May 16. Gaurin resigned to take a full-time position elsewhere.

The school is investigating a slight odor coming from the leach field.

The meeting was adjourned into executive session to discuss teacher negotiations which must be agreed upon before the budget is set.