The Water and Sewer Division will begin working on Lisbon Street between Rosedale Street and East Avenue Sunday, June 1.

The work will consist of removing damaged pavement, regrading gravel, resetting curbing and paving the road and sidewalks that were damaged during this winter’s water main break along Lisbon Street.

During the construction there will be traffic delays from time to time due to lane closures. Both outbound lanes may be closed on Sunday, June 1. Inbound lanes will be paved that day.


Snow contract change announced

Selectmen have made changes in the specifications for the new winter snow removal contract, which is being put out to bid. In addition to the list of roads to be plowed and equipment required, dry hydrants are now included and language has been added calling for treating the roads with salt at the beginning of storms.

The contract calls for a minimum of 400 tons of salt and 4,000 yards of sand, and that the road commissioner to order the salt and the contractor to stockpile it in the new building. With the new contract, the season will begin on Oct. 15 and conclude on May 15, which is two weeks earlier in the fall and two weeks later in the spring. There are approximately 71 miles of town and state roads to be plowed, and the contract is for three years. Larrabee Construction has held the contract for many years, and is expected to submit a bid. Specifications may be picked up at the town office and are due back June 17.

– Connie Footman

Mowing contract awarded

Jon Snell has been awarded the contract for mowing town properties on his low bid of $2,200. Other bidders were Melissa Griffin, $3,300, and David Jaynes, $2,500.

Selectmen have authorized Mike Copp to repair the road at the Runaround Pond Park area at a cost of $1,350.

Mark Durisko has resigned from the Planning Board and Todd Beaulieu has been appointed to fill the vacancy. John Buckley has been appointed as an alternate for a term ending March 2004.

– Connie Footman

February storm declared disaster

Local Emergency Management Director Debbie Larrabee reports that the storm on President’s Day was declared a disaster and that she expects the town will be getting $12,564 to reimburse costs.

Fire Chief Bill St. Michel reported to selectmen that the town has been awarded a Narragansett Number One grant of $3,646 for a turnout gear washer, which was quickly accepted by board.

– Connie Footman