LIVERMORE – Junior Program, June 19, putts: Ages, 7-under, 1. Tyler Chicoine; 2. Levi Morin; 3. Michael Paradis; 10-under, 1. Brandon Hodges; 2. Evan Castonguay; 3. Michael Anctil; 11-under, 1. Dylan Castonguay; 2. Philip Paradis; 3. Bryan Maurais; 12-under, 1. Justin Knox; 2. Brandon Melville; 3. Derek Castonguay; 13-under, 1. Ricky Phillips; 2. Taylor Stevenson; 3. Cory Veilleux; 14-under, 1. Brandon Galouch; 2. Tyler Angell; 3. Christopher Child; 17-under, 1. Danny Castonguay; 2. Chris Veilleux; 3. Jonathon Shaffer; Girls 12-under, 1. Leigh Ronald; 2. Amanda Cullen; 3. Natalie Green; Girls 13+, 1. Amanda Angell; 2. Jennifer Cullen; 3. Hillary Castonguay.

Fox Ridge

AUBURN – Lewiston Paint League: Morin-Bolduc, 121; Begin-Buchanan, 120; Knoll-Haggerty, 118; Goodwin-Stone, 115.5; Blais-Gagnier, 115.5; Day-Eddy, 113.5; McDonough-Costello, 112.5; Paquette-Gilbert, 111.5; Rodrigue-Houlihan, 110; Butler-Rioux, 110; Theberge-Levesque, 109.5; Roy-Kelly, 109; Hopkins-Cote, 104.5; Tiner-Brisette, 99.5; Theriault-St. Pierre, 99; Vachon-Dyon, 88.5; Geiger-Nadeau, 85; R. St. Pierre-Dufour, 81.5.

The Meadows

LITCHFIELD – Monday Morning Men’s League: 1. Mike Gragen; 2. Paul Nadeau. Closest to the pin, Pat Labbe.

Thursday Couples League, game of week, best ball blind draw: gross, 1. Jeff Freeman-Connie Foster; 2. Roger Blanchette-Pat DeMeurers; net, 12. Lou Longtin-Lin Mathieu 2. Mike Mansir-Mary O’Mara. Closest to the pin, men, Roger Blanchette; women, Lin Mathieu.


POLAND – Summit Couples, June 19, fewest putts: A Flight: Betty Campbell-Rod Sargent, 33; Jean-Bob McAlister, 38; Millie Bednarik-Mike Howard, 41. B-1 Flight: Dolly-Gerry Mottram, 37; Phyllis Copp-Herb Wiles, 38; Kathy-Joe Rando, 40. B-2 Flight: Kelli-Chris Whitten, 37; Jackie-Harvey Proulx, 39; Nancy-Randy Ray, 40.