MEXICO – Member-Member Tournament, best ball net: 1. Pat Roy-Rob Dupill, 59; 2. Frank Diconzo-Mike Jacques, 60; 3. tie, Norm Charlston-Mark Burton, Marshall Todd-Nick Diconzo, Walt Cunningham-Kurt Pitts, Roy Gould-Mike Parsons, Ray Bedard-Tim Chambers, 61.
Men’s Friday Night, June 13, team total point quota: Frank Diconzo, Scott Tabb, Stan Eustis, +6; Adam Williamson-Tim Chambers, Glenn Porter, +5; Bob Fulton, Dale Sweatt, Tom Theriault, +5; Fred Kent, Gary Marston, Brian Freeman, +5; Dick Giberson, Sr., Bill Roy, Foster Tabb, +5.
Wednesday Men’s Night, June 18, team total points plus handicap: Seth Fournier, Mike Frazel, Jim Ames, Mike Mickeriz, 84; Frank Diconzo, Butch McKenna, Tony Frechette, Ivan Gould, 84.
Ladies Day, June 12, 2 best ball, blind draw: Nancy Allard-Kim Johnson, 31; Beth Gallant-Sheila Meader, 34.
Ladies Day, June 19: net, Jan Mills, 33; Sheila Meader, 35; putts, Judy Roy, 16.
Maple Lane
LIVERMORE – Junior League, June 26, chipping: overall, Justin Knox, 24’2″. Age groups: 7-under, 1. Michael Paradis; 2. Tyler Chicoine; 3. Levi Morin; 10-under, 1. Brandon Hodges; 2. Evan Castonguay; 11-under, 1. Bryan Maurais, 2. Philip Paradis; 3. Dylan Castonguay; 12-under. 1. Justin Knox; 2. Brandon Melville; 32. Derek Castonguay; 13-under; 1. Ricky Phillips; 2. Cory Veilleux; 3. Taylor Stevenson; 14-under, 1. Brandon Galouch; 2. Tyler Angell; 3. Christopher Child; 16-under, 1. Jonathon Shaffer; 2. Chris Veilleux; 3. Danny Castonguay; Girls 12-under, 1. Amanda Cullen; 2. Leigh Ronald, Natalie Green; Girls 13+, 1. Jennifer Cullen; 2. Amanda Angell; 3. Hillary Castonguay.
Poland Spring
POLAND SPRING – Wednesday Night League: gross, Mike Bartley, 36; Rafael Barajas, 38; Laura Young, 40; net, Ray Theriault, 31; Gary Bazinet, Bev Benson, 32. Closest to the pin #6, Larry Ross, Jill Bernier; closest to the line, Dave Reed, Jill Bernier; long drive #1, Mac MacGregor, Jill Bernier.
Thursday Ladies League: net, 1. June Walker; 2. Charlene Lacasse; fewest putts, June Walker, 32; Charlene Lacasse, 33.
Twi-League: gross, Larry Ross, 36; Rafael Barajas, Bob Wood, 39; net, Jon Ray, 32; Harry Lawler, Jack Conway, 33. Closest to the pin #13, Pete Lacasse, 9’1″.
Andy Valley CC
GORHAM, N.H. – Recent results:
Coed League, June 24, point quota: Ron Reardon, +4; Kris Sjostrom, Dick Holland +3; Debbie Ross, Suzie Holland, Lisa King, +5.
Twilight League, June 25: A Division, gross, Peter Blanchette, 34; Peter Allain, 35; John Smithson, 37; net, Al Tardif, 32; Don Piper, 33; Spider Moores, Scott Labnon, 34. Skins: Barry Bodwell, Bob Hill, Peter Blanchette. B Division: gross, Dave Poulin, 43; Al Peabody, Ron Reardon, 44; net, Dan Blais, 34; Mark Baillargeon, 36; Dan Sanshargrin, 37. Skins: Mark Baillargeon, Al Pineo, Dan Blais, Carl Mercier.
Starlight Point Quota, June 26: Ginger Doherty, +3; Helen Cote, Sue Tardiff, +2. Skins, gross, Helen Cote, (2); Ginger Doherty (3).
Senior Point Quota, June 26: Randy Moores, Ray Lefebvre, Joe Murray, +4; Alex Easton, +3; Leo Blanchette, Joe Hudnall, Bernier Gendron, Tony Memolo, Walter Davis, Mark Hamlin, Ernie Guay, Mutt Allain, +2. Skins, gross, Bernie Gendron; net, Joe Murray, Ed Lessard, Mark Hamlin.
POLAND – Pat’s Pizza League, June 26: Nine over One, 27.5-16.5; Five over Four, 31-12.5; Ten over Two, 28.5-14; Three over Eight, 27.5-19; Four over Seven, 25-18. Standings: Five, 199.5; Nine, 186.5; Ten, 185.5; Eight, 178.5; Three, 177; Seven, 170.5; Two, 169; Six, 166.5; Four, 160.5; One, 143.5. Low gross, Tony Olmstead, 36; net, Mark Basting, 27. Pins: #13, A, Tom Pontbriand; B, Ralph Barkhouse; C, Dexter Jordan; E, Mark Dube; long drive #11, Bob Johnson; 50-50 winner, Dave Gross; certificate winners, Dave Greenlaw, Roy Jordan.
Ladies League, June 26, no putts: A Flight, gross, Jackie Rybeck; tourney, Kathy Jillson; B Flight, gross, Marge Cormier, tourney; Jackie Levesque; C Flight, gross, Fran Cummings; tourney, Lou Dube; D Flight, gross, Rita Cloutier; tourney, none. Closest to the pin: 1. Jeanne Levesque; 2. Mickey Bolduc; 50-50 winner, Fran Cummings. Next week’s tourney is putts.
LEEDS – Ladies League, point quota: Judy Corkum, 31; Ashley Golden, 25; Carmen Cohen, 24; Kellie Coates, 16.
Prospect Hill
AUBURN- College Street Driving Range, June 25: standings, Eight and Nine, 88.5; Two, 83; Three, 74; Six, 73; One, 70.5; Seven, 69; Five, 68.5; Four, 66.5; Ten, 61. Low gross, Dan Charron, Jace Pearson, 38; net, Charron, 31.5. Pins: A, Charlie Witonis, 7’2″; B, Bernie Roberts, 22’6″; C, Steve Lamore, 15’4″; D, Barry Craig, 28′; 50-50 winner, Jackie Veilleux.
Seniors League: first place pin, Wayne Newbegin, Ray Merrow, Adrian Lajoie; second place pin, Bob Grenier, Gerry Lagare, Carl Duplise, Roger Poulin. Game: 1. Wayne Newbegin, Adrian Lajoie, Ray Merrow; 2. Fern Cloutier, Ted Brookover, Robert Laganiere, Wilson Chapman. 50-50 winner, Joe Morin.
Fox Ridge
AUBURN – Lewiston Paint League: Morin-Bolduc, 142; Knoll-Haggerty, 135; Begin-Buchanan, 131; Blais-Gagnier, 130.5; Day-Eddy, 129.5; Goodwin-Stone, 128.5; Roy-Kelly, 127.5; Butler-Rioux, 126; McDonough-Costello, 124.5; Theberge-Levesque, 123.5; Paquette-Gilbert, 121.5; Rodrigue-Houlihan, 116; Hopkins-Cote, 115.5; Theriault-St. Pierre, 115; Tiner-Brisette, 114.5; Vachon-Doyon, 97; Geiger-Nadeau, 97; R. St. Pierre-Dufour, 93.5.
The Meadows
LITCHFIELD – B.I.W. League: point leaders, Division A, Mark Kendrick B, Jeff Kendall; C, Lee Biron. Closest to the pin, A, Dan Bence B, Paul Raymond.
Tuesday Men’s Twi-Light League: Group A, point leaders, A, Ken Lizotte; B, Moe Gauthier; C, Steve Morin; D, Keith Martin. Closest to the pin, A-B, John Picard; C-D, Gerry Lajoie. Group 2, point leaders, A, Jim Widdoes; B, Kevin Fletcher; C, Jim Daigle; D, P. Robitaille. Pins: A-B, Jim Morin; C-D, Charlie Turgeon.,
Wednesday Ladies Day: point leaders, Sandi Dumais, Barbara Ward, Mary Lou Magno.
Thursday Couples League, game of week, alternate shots: gross, 1. Pat-Weldon deMeurers; 2. Linda-Roland Gleason; net, 1. Priscille-Paul Raymond; 2. Delores-Lou Longtin. Pins: men, Mark Poole; women, Diane Johnson.
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