TURNER – Ladies League, August 6: standings: Got Par?, 143.5; Back Nine Girls, 141.5; Four Play, 136; Golf Girls.Com, 135.5; Shock ‘N Awe, 133.5; Wicked Sticks, 133.5; The Highlanders, 131; Lady Hazards, 130.5; Tigerettes, 130; Eager Eagles, 129.5; Queens, 126; The Survivors, 125. Game of week, nearest the pin #13: Flight A, Elaine Dumont; Flight B, Bambi Stevens; Flight C, Billie Davis; Flight D, Janet Walsh. Blind game of week winners: Flight A, Kelly Soracco; Flight B, Wanda Gay; Flight C, Dawn Thibodeau; Flight D, Addie Nadeau. Gift certificate winner was Janet Walsh.
LEEDS –Ladies Member-Guest Tournament, August 7: low gross, Shelly Foster-Carol Sanders, 86; net, 1. Carmen Cohen-Chris Sirois, 90-56; 2. Sue Kaluzynski-Barbara Pray, 89-59; 3. Sharon Fitzgerald-Joyce Bernier, 92-60; 4. Linda St. Andre-Pat Kordalski, 87-60. Closest to the pin #2, Sue Kaluzynski; #15, Rita Giasson; long drive #7, Pat Kordalski; #18, Chris Sirois.
POLAND – Fairlawn Ladies Club Championship, Round 1, August 7: A Flight, gross, Alex Bouchles; net, Jackie Rybeck; B Flight, gross, Jeanne Levesque; net Dot Hopkins; C Flight, gross, Carol Griggs; net, Jeannette Martineau; D Flight, gross, Lina Verville; net Dodo Bergeron. Closest to the pin: 1. Jeanne Levesque; 2. Marge Cormier; 50-50 winner, Phyllis Young. Next week will be round 2.
Pat’s Pizza League, August 7: position night, Nine over Three, 27-15; Seven over four, 26-17.5; Ten over Five, 24.5-18; One over Two, 23-18; Eight over Six, 29-15.5. Final standings: Ten, 312.5; Seven, 301; Five, 295.5; Nine, 290.5; Four, 287; Eight, 285.5; Three, 281; Two, 267.5; Six, 265; One, 226. Next week is playoffs with all teams participating, as follows: Ten vs Eight, Seven vs Four, Five vs Nine, Two vs Six, One vs Three. Low gross, Gillis Dionne, 36; net, Dave Gross, Chuck Mundell, Mike Swart, 32. Pins: #2, A, Tony Olmstead; B, Pete Godin; C, Bob Johnson; D, Fern Comeau; E, Todd Pelletier; 50-50 winner, Jason Douglass; certificate winners, Dick Cote, Jason Hicks.
Prospect Hill
AUBURN – Seniors League: 1. Val Madore, Phil Cyr, Jack Forrest; 2. Marcel Trembley, Joe Morin, Ted Brookover, Fern Landry. First pin, Fern Cloutier, Ray Sylvester, Jack Coady, Carl Haley; second pin, Willy Dumont, Ray Saucier, Dick Asselin, Ray Morin; 50-50 winner, Ray Merrow.
College Street Driving Range League, August 6: Nine, 186.5; Eight, 186.5; Two, 177.5; Six, 166.5; Seven, 163.5; Five, 158.5; Three, 158; One, 155.5; Four, 149; Ten, 144.5. Low gross, Charlie Witonis, 38; net, Diane Bissonnette, 30.5. Closest to the pin: A, Steve Fleck, 5’6″; B, Louise Lecompte, 6’9″; C, Diane Bissonnette, 6’1.5″; D, Jackie Veilleux, 11’9″; 50-50 winner, Louise Lecompte.
Paris Hill
PARIS – Sunday Scramble: 1. (putt-off), Doug Kurtz, Jim Riede, Joel Dakin, Gail Josselyn, Don Whitman.
Monday Night Ladies League: standings: One (captain Barb Olson), 35; Two (Cathy LaMontagne), 25.5; Three (Jan Curtis), 18; Four (Bobbi Bickford), 17.5.
Tuesday Night Men’s League: standings: Three (John Robinson), 42; One (Bill Curtis), 38; Four (Harvey LaMontagne), 24.5; Two (Butch Wetter), 23.5. Closest to the pin #6, Milt Scribner, 3’9″; #8, Harvey LaMontagne, 13’4″.
Wednesday Morning Ladies, game, all irons: Phyllis Farrington, Gail Josselyn, Joan Pratt.
Thursday Evening Scramble: 1. 4-under, Harvey LaMontagne, Walter Kucharski, Bobbi Bickford; 2. 3-under, Cathy LaMontagne, Eric Ouellette, Milt Scribmer.
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