AUBURN – Saturday Skins, Men’s 2-Ball Championship: gross, Cliff Biardi, #1 (eagle); Sam Evrard, #4; Ron Blanchette, #12; net, Sam Evrard, #4; Mike Morin, #7 (eagle); Ron Blanchette, #12 (eagle); Scott Brooker, #14 (eagle); Mitch Deblois, #15 (eagle).

Sunday’s Men’s 2-Ball Championship: 1. Dave Kordalski-Rick Miles, -16; 2. Scott Brooker-Steve Berry, -15; 3. Pete Casey-Rick Schrepper, -13; 4. tie, Bob Blanchette-Marc Gosselin, Jeff Gosselin-Joe Wolverton, Ken Knauer-Jim Piper, Tim O’Neil-Frank Minigell, -12; 7. tie, Tim Jordan-Steve Jordan, Bob Brickel-Lance Browne, -11. Skins: gross, Bob Roy, #1; net, Bob Roy, #1 (eagle); Mike Morin, #11 (eagle); Jim Piper, #15 (eagle).


POLAND – Summit Couples, Sept. 1 shootout: A Flight, Jean-Bob McAlister; B-1 Flight, Dolly-Jerry Mottram; B-2 Flight, Betty Campbell-George Spivey. Final points standings: A Flight, 1. Jean-Bob McAlister; 2. Rita-Ernie Ray; B-1 Flight, 1. Ida Wills-George Spivey; 2. Holly-Ed Jilick; B-2 Flight, 1. Kelli-Chris Whitten; 2. Jackie-Harvey Proulx.


LEEDS – East-West Tournament (Ryder Cup format), 27 holes: West, 249.5-East, 236.5. Skins: alternate shot, K. Bell-J. Gross, #1; D. Therrien-D. St. Andre, #3; B. Wilson-F. Finnegan, #8; S. Cohen-R. Newbauer, #9; scramble, G. Ames-J. Bell, #13; S. Eldridge-L. Steeves, #15; 2-ball, T. Tiner-R. Roy, #10, 16; B. Pattershall-M. LaBonte, #12, 18; B. Wilson-E. Finnegan, #14. Pins: scramble, #13, H. Fuller, 10’7″; #15, S. Eldridge, 21’4″; alternate shot, #2, L. Wood, 3’9″; #8, D. Morin, 10’2″; best ball, #13, B. Cochran, 5’10”; #15, J. Kent, 19’6″.

MSGA tourney


PORTLAND – Following are results from the Maine State Golf Association tourney held Sept. 5-6 at Riverside:

A CLASS: Gross: Mike Lee, 68; Ricky Jones, 69; Gordon Curry, 70; Steve Bouthot, 70; Jeff Wass, 70; Tom Bean, 71; Ron Brown, Jr., 71; Mike Napolitano, Jr., 72 (MC). Net: Bob Compton, 65; Steve Bonney, 65; Gary Lapierre, 66; Dennis Ranaghan, 66; Tim Flanagan, 66; Richard Buffam, 67; Shawn McKague, 67; David Niles, 67 (MC).

B CLASS: Gross: Dennis Leaver, 72; Jim Surette, 75; Phil Morse, 75; Al Noyes, 75; Greg Bowden, 77; Dan Hargreaves, 77; Lee Truman, 77; Ricky Plummer, 77 (MC). Net: Kevin Bilodeau, 64; Joe Foley, 65; Wayne Clarkson, 66; Ted Woodbrey, 66; Jim Taylor, 67; Larry Hanson, 67; Arnie Benner, 67; Milt Walker, 68 (MC).

CLASS C: Gross: John Mullen, 79; Alan Patterson, 81; Irving Meeker, 83; Terry McCullough, 83; Todd Sanders, 83; John Cunningham, 83; Bill Murphy, 85; Walter Burnell, 85 (MC). Net: Tom Blake, 64; Steve Mitchell, 66; Mark Gonneville, 66; Don Wilson, 66; Bill Adamson, 67; Norman Fournier, 67; Neil Peaslee, 67; Terry Campbell, 67 (MC).

SUPER SENIORS: Gross: Tom Hughes, 73; George Blaisdell, 74; Ralph Noel, 75; Glenn Stone, 75 (MC). Net: George Ouelette, 67; Tom Donavan, 68; Omer Breau, 68; Steve Mills, 68 (MC).

BEST BALL: Gross: Tom Bean, Shawn McKague, Greg Bowden, Tim Mariano, 61; Mike Lee, Mike Napolitano, Jr., Kevin Lee, Mike Napolitano, Sr., 62; Rick Jones, Jeff Wass, Tim Flanagan, Corey Staples, 62; John Nikander, Phil Morse, Jim Surette, Wayne Morse, 64 (MC). Net: John Mullen, Milt Walker, Ricky Plummer, Rocky Copp, 55; Wayne Clarkson, Mark Gonneville, Marlo Lebarge, Tom Plante, 56; Tim Downing, Dick McLain, Anthony Michaud, Steve Pesce, 56; Tom Blake, Arnie Benner, Bill Cloutier, Fletcher Lindsay, 56; David Littlefield, Darren Jensen, Jim Dorrington, Jon Fillmore, 57; Steve Mitchell, Terry Landry, Jim Caron, Bruce Crosby, 57; Gary Lapierre, Jim Stone, Brian MacGillivray, Ned Gribbin, 57 (MC).

PINS: Friday: #3, Dale Bragg, 14’10”; #6, Mike Morgan, 2’4″; #13, Jim Surette, hole-in-one; Steve Gallagher, 3’8″. Saturday: #3, Stephan Craig, 9’7″; #6, Neil Peaslee, 4’6 1/4″; #13, Al Litchfield, 3′; Brian Pelletier, 3’2.5″.

SKINS: Friday: gross, John Nikander, Ralph Noel, Jim Surette, Jim Dorrington; net, Bill Murphy, Wayne Clarkson, Tom Plante. Saturday: gross, Vic Nunan, Rick Jones, Terry MacMillan; net, Tom Blake, Al Litchfield, Norman Fournier, Beau Mears.


MEXICO – Sweeps, August 30: net, front 9, Scott Tabb, 35; back 9, Tabb, 36.

Sweeps, August 31: net, front 9, Fred Kent, Roy Gould, 33; back 9, Bob Fulton, 34, Tim Chambers, 35.

Sweeps, Sept. 1: net, front 9, Bob Fulton, 33; Scott Tabb, 34; Elijah Arnold, 35; back 9, Joe Gorham, 32; Bob Fulton, 34.

Sept. 3, team total point quota: 1. Bob Fulton, Ralph Partridge, Charlie Stanley, Bob Weiss, +5; 2. tie, Marshall Todd, Carroll Noyes, Gary Marston, Bill Roy; and Norm Charlston, Don Johnson, Dave Gallant, Tom Rowe, +3.

Central Maine Seniors

BANGOR – Following are results from the Central Maine Seniors tourney held at Bangor Muni: 4-ball team: gross, 1. 67 (tie), Gil Schneidewind, Cliff Bolster, Paul Timberlake, Jim Keitham; and Jim Merritt, Ray Johns, Dave Poulin, Bob Hurd; net, Roland Drouin, Don Knauf, Joe Hachey, Ted Borkstrom, 54; Tom Staples, Dave Fossett, Carl Hubbard, 55. Overall winner: gross, Dick Randall, 74; net, Ed Mason, 59; Dick Lufkin, Gus Lesperance, 61. Age Groups: 55-59: gross, Ed McKay, 76; Paul Timberlake, 79; Dennis Katon, 80; net, Ken Curtis, 63; Vic Czemerys, 64; Conrad Lewis, 67. 60-64: gross, Jim Merritt, 76; Mike Fortunato, 76; Ray Johns, 77; net, Jim Cameron, 62; Ron Rouillard, 63; David Nichols, 65. 65-69: gross, Bunky Davis, 76; Tom Weigel, Phil Doherty, 78; net, Leo Lacombe, 64; Chuck Burns, Bob Cremonni, 66. 70-74: gross, Ken Schernekau, 77; Wally Soule, 81; Earl Fargo, 83; net, Ted Borkstrom, 62; Harry Tobler, Bert Dumais, 65. 75-79: gross, Wally Doud, 83; Dick Reid, 84; Frank Allain, Will Brown, 86; net, Dave Fossett, 64; Carl Hubbard, 65; Floyd Case, 65. 80+: gross, Geo. Ryerson, 85; Harold Joseph, 86; Forrest Whitman, 93; net, Jim Fitton, 68; Jean Grondin, 69; Glenn Brasier, 70. Pins: #3, Phil Doherty, 4′; Bob Angland, 5′; #6, Tom Cieslinski, 3’1″; Alan Edgecomb, 3’2″; #11, Dave Poulin, 3’10”; Ron Rouillard, 5’7″; #16, Ted Borkstrom, 5’6″; Tom Cieslinski, 8’9″.