POLAND – Summit Twilight League: Mullen over Drumtra, 6-3; Lenahan over Copp, 5.5-3.5 Ray tied D. Thurlow, 4.5-4.5; Kluchnik over Leonard, 6-3; Walker over Plummer, 5.5-3.5; Curtis over Pomerleau, 5-4; Bigelow over Michaud, 7.5-1.5; McAfee over B. Thurlow, 5.5-3.5; Lauzier tied Thurlow, Sr., 4.5-4.5. First half standings follow: 1. D. Thurlow-Kucharski; 2. Mullen-Belanger; 3. Lauzier-Lauzier. Second half standings: 1. Lenahan-Lenahan; 2. McAfee-Schrupp; 3. D. Thurlow-Kucharski.


POLAND – Fairlawn Seniors, Sept. 10: 1. B. Brousseau, D. Sylvain, B. Rocheleau, R. Ouellette, 29 (MC); 2. F. Barkhouse, J. MacHardy, N. Verville, D. Spencer. Closest to the pin #11, J. McCleery, 5’5″; F. Barriault, 5’7″; #13, B. Turcotte, 6’7″; B. Rocheleau, 14’3″; 50-50 winner, H. Lapointe.

Prospect Hill

AUBURN – Prospect Hill Ladies League, A-B-C-D tournament: 1. Martha Celinski, Jean Cote, Jackie Gardner, Pauline Blais, 283 net; 2. Phyllis Greim, Lorraine Caron, Shirley Jordan, MJ Lesperance, 286; 3. Jeannette Cote, Etta Marcoux, Pat Carr, Jackie Lajoie, 289 (MC). Closest to the pin #3, Alice Waterman, 4’4.5″; #15, Jean Cote, 28’10”; 50-50 winner, Pat Carr. Next week is “Beat The Pro”, with a 9:00 tee time. Banquet is scheduled for September 24 at 12 noon at Martindale CC.