John Walsh’s daytime talk show has been canceled.
Production on new episodes of the series will end next week.
New, unaired episodes of “The John Walsh Show” will continue to be broadcast through February.
“The efforts by John and his staff have resulted in impactful shows that have addressed real issues that viewers face on a daily basis,” a spokesman for producer NBC Enterprises said in a statement. “However, with his prime-time program, charitable causes and extensive work with law enforcement, serious time constraints have made it very challenging for John to continue to host the “The John Walsh Show.”‘
Launched a season ago, the show has never been a ratings hit. Initially, the program was an offshoot of Walsh’s crime-solving ventures, such as “America’s Most Wanted.”
Indeed, he focused on such topics as the Elizabeth Smart disappearance and later featured her family on his daytime show.
But this season, in an effort to broaden the appeal of the program, Walsh ventured into other territory. Recently, he devoted a whole show to visiting the set of CBS’ “CSI: Miami.” And this Friday’s show is titled “Ideas That Will Make You Rich!”
What stations will use to fill the time slot has yet to be decided – and doesn’t need to be for weeks.
Word of Walsh’s daytime demise comes just as his “America’s Most Wanted” has been credited with providing leads that led to the arrest of the 771th accused criminal profiled on that show.
(c) 2003, New York Daily News.
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