Services: Health & well-being
Alcoholics Anonymous, in Maine, 24 Hour Hotline 800-737-6237 or 207-774-4335. During business hours, your call will be taken by a member of Alcoholics Anonymous who knows exactly what you are going through and can give you all the information you need. At night, reach a well qualified answering service, who can give meeting information, or put you in touch with a recovering alcoholic, in your area, who will speak with you about your problem. There are over 700 meetings in Maine and southern New Brunswick every week. To find a meeting near you, visit
American Red Cross-United Valley Chapter, 795-4004; 1180 Lisbon St., Lewiston
Androscoggin Home Care and Hospice, 15 Strawberry Ave., Lewiston, 800-482-7412;, provides needed comprehensive health and health-related services which help people remain safely and independently in their homes and communities. Volunteer opportunities are plentiful for in-home visiting volunteers and hospice volunteers (training required).
Healthy Androscoggin, Community Garden sites are available in Lewiston. Contact Lots to Gardens at 755-3110. They are also looking for volunteers to help with various youth gardening activities. The Lewiston Farmer’s Market is located at Kennedy Park.
March of Dimes, The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. The Maine Chapter awards community grants to provide preconception/prenatal education, support and intervention.
National Safety Council, 800-557-2366. The simplest way to find out if your home has high levels of radon is through a carbon filter test. Kits are available in stores or may be purchased inexpensively by calling the Radon Helpline. FMI, visit
ProtectME-Child Health Center, 782-5437, your resource for Preschool: Providing Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Services for children Birth – Five years old. Big Brothers / Big Sisters: Community and Site-based Mentoring programs for children 6-18. The Parent Place: Parenting education for teens and adolescent parents.
Tri-County Mental Health Services, Androscoggin County, 1155 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, 783-9141, 800-787-1155, is an organization committed to providing the people of Maine with excellence in mental health, substance abuse, habilitation and life skills services, respecting consumer rights, personal dignity and maintaining agency financial stability.
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