DIXFIELD — A series of vehicle
break-ins occurred along Pine and High streets over the
weekend, similar to six in Mexico
the week before.

Sgt. Jeff Howe of the Dixfield Police
Department said five vehicles parked in front of three residences on
Pine Street and one vehicle parked at a High Street residence were
entered sometime between midnight. Aug. 15. and 1 a.m., Aug. 16. In all but one, items taken
were generally car registrations, insurance cards and operating

In most cases, Howe said those
responsible left valuable items behind. The one exception was a
vehicle on Pine Street from which an XM satellite radio was stolen.

“The laugh’s on them,” Howe said.
“The radio was broken.”

A wallet was taken from another Pine
Street vehicle, but it was found a short distance down the street
with nothing missing.

Howe said his first concern was that
names and dates of birth on the documents could be sold on
the Internet. However, he now believes the thefts may be the result
of young people taking the items as trophies.


“We believe it’s tied to the Mexico
incident,” Howe said.

During the night of Aug. 7, auto
registrations, insurance cards, operators’ manuals, and a few other
items were taken from vehicles parked on Whitman, Burton, Fourth and
Monroe streets, and Harlow Hill in Mexico.

Howe said all Dixfield vehicles were
left unlocked, and they ranged from 1998 to 2007 models.

Dixfield police are asking that anyone who also was a victim of a break-in to report it, and anyone who may have heard or seen anything suspicious late Aug. 15 or early Aug. 16 to contact them.


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