For pre-kindergarten through grade five, the first student day at Fayette Central School is Wednesday, September 2nd. Pre-Kindergarten classes will be held Monday through Thursday each week. There will be no Pre-k classes held on Fridays.
Bus passengers should allow a 10 minute leeway around the scheduled times for minor route/weather adjustments.
Morning Run – Students in Grades 6-12
BUS #10 Kathy: Leave bus parking lot at 6:15 AM & pick up MARANACOOK STUDENTS ONLY. Main St. west, 6:15; Moose Hill Rd. 6:20; reverse at Limberlost Rd.;to Campground Rd. 6:25; to Bamford Hill Rd. 6:30; to Gile Rd.. 6:35; to Watson Heights Rd. 6:40; to Jackman’s Mill Rd. 6:45; to North Rd. 6:50; reverse at North Rd. & Jackman’s Mill Rd Intersection; to East Rd. 6:55; to Sandy River Rd. 7:02; to Route #41 to Lovejoy Shores & Rt. 17 Intersection 7:14; turn at Fayette School to Maranacook Schools.
BUS #8 Annette: Leave bus parking lot at 6:15 AM.@ pick up LIVERMORE FALLS STUDENTS ONLY. Lovejoy Shores @ Rt. 17 Intersection 6:17; Main St. @ Echo Lake Intersection 6:22; Watson Heights to East Rd. & David Pond 6:30; reverse, Jackman’s Mill Rd. 6:33; North Rd & Jackman’s Mill Rd. Intersection 6:35; Baldwin Hill Rd. 6:40; South Rd. to South Rd Ext. & Richmond Mill Rd. Intersection 6:46; reverse, Bamford Hill Rd. to Campground
Rd. 6:55; Chesterville Ridge Rd. & Moose Hill Rd. Intersection 7:00; Moose Hill Rd. 7:05 to Livermore Falls Schools.
Students returning home on the bus will be taken home as time permits, otherwise they will go to the Fayette School and will ride home on the elementary run.
NOTE: Students must be outside and waiting when the bus arrives at their house. The bus will slow to a stop, but WILL NOT wait. We will not send a bus back if a student misses the bus as this will help our drivers remain on schedule. Once we have made adjustments, the drivers’ schedules should not vary by more than five minutes, if ALL students are outside and ready to board the bus when it arrives. YOUR COOPERATION WILL ENSURE THAT THE BUS SCHEDULES REMAIN CONSISTENT. *All times are approximate.
SNOW DAYS: NO transportation will be provided for tuition students when school is cancelled for Fayette Central School students due to inclement weather. It does not excuse your child from school. Parents would be responsible for transportation that day. If a delay is announced for Fayette School, this will pertain to middle and high school students only. Fayette Central School will run at the normal time. Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 will be picked on the elementary run (see Morning Run – Fayette Central School Pre-K – Grade 5 for approximate time). This will also be the case should there be mechanical problems with one of the buses.
Morning Run – Fayette Central School – Pre-K through Grade 5 — School Start Time – 8:30 a.m. / End Time – 3:05 p.m.
BUS #10 Kathy: – Maranacook Schools to Sandy River Rd. 7:40; North Rd. 7:52; Jackman’s Mill Rd. to East Rd. 8:00; Watson Heights Rd. 8:04; Fayette Corner Rd 8:17; Gile Rd. 8:19; reverse to Main St. east 8:26; Lovejoy Shores Dr. 8:28; Main St. west 8:36 to Fayette School.
BUS # 8 Annette: – L.F. Schools to Limberlost Rd. 7:45; Chesterville Ridge Rd. & Moose Hill Rd. Intersection 7:48; Campground Rd. 7:50; Gail Rd. 7:52; Bamford Hill Rd. 7:58; South Rd. 8:00; Richmond Mill Rd. 8:07; reverse at Young Rd. continue to South Rd. 8:10; Baldwin Hill Rd. 8:15; Main St. west 8:20; West Rd. 8:24; Fayette Ridge Rd. 8:25; Jackman’s Mill Rd. 8:30, reverse at North Rd.; Main St. east 8:33; Oak Hill Rd. 8:38; to Fayette School. Afternoon Bus Runs for All Students – Grades K through 12
BUS #8: Annette – Oak Hill Rd.; to Main St. west; to Jackman’s Mill Rd., reverse @ North Rd.; Main St. west; Fayette Ridge Rd; West Rd.; Moose Hill Rd.; Limberlost Rd., reverse; Campground Rd; Gail Rd; Bamford Hill Rd; South Rd; Richmond Mill Rd.
BUS #10: Kathy – Main St. east; Lovejoy Shores Dr.; Main St west; Baldwin Hill Rd; Fayette Corner Rd; Gile Rd; Fayette Corner Rd to Watson Heights Rd; East Rd; reverse @ town line; Jackman’s Mill Rd. to North Rd.; Sandy River Rd.
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