DIXFIELD — The town got a green light to receive a $250,000 federal, low-interest loan to
replace a sewer main that spans the Webb River Bridge.

However, the planned multimillion
dollar bridge replacement project won’t be going ahead as originally
proposed this year because of a state cash-flow problem that has delayed
planned work on several bridges. Maine Department of
Transportation spokesman Jerry Quirion said last week that the
inability of the Mexico Sewer District
and the town of Dixfield to come to an agreement also figured into the decision to delay

Selectman Chairwoman Bettina Martin
said Wednesday afternoon that she doesn’t know yet what steps the
town will take regarding the loan. She’s sure the U.S.D.A.
Rural Development Water and Environmental Program won’t allow the
town to keep the money until the bridge project is back on the MDOT

She said the matter will be taken up at
the board’s next meeting Aug. 31, which will also be a time when
the latest offer will be discussed to try to come to an agreement
with the Mexico Sewer District.

Town Manager Eugene Skibitsky is on
vacation and won’t return until next week.

Martin said he will look into the
matter upon his return.

“Selectmen will discuss their options
on the 31st,” she said.

For several weeks, the Mexico Sewer District and the town
have been negotiating costs and use of the main that services
Dixfield residents and flows into the Mexico lines.


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