Share Your Stories Of Hope!

We are celebrating 12 years of Relay in the River Valley Area this year and welcome you and yours to join us at the Hosmer Field Complex on May 29th-30th, 2009. Our theme this year is “Share Your Stories of Hope!”

Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society, bringing much needed funding to research, education, prevention and patient services in our area.

Hats off to everyone in the River Valley Area; their friends and families for the incredible support they give this event.  Relay For Life brings together people from all of our communities in the river Valley area. It is our pleasure to work with the businesses that so generously support us, and the committee members that dedicate countless hours to bring the event together.  Many, many, thanks to all the team captains and the team members that put in so many hours thinking of creative fund raisers for the event.
Thank you for all the HARD work. Celebrate! Remember! Fight Back!


Diane Mitchell, Peggy Briggette. Co Chairs
Relay For Life -River Valley Unit