HEBRON — The descendants of Mary Elizabeth Stewart and Charles Franklin Reed held their annual reunion on Aug. 8 at the home of Richard and Jane Hatch, with 37 members and guests attending. A potluck lunch was enjoyed by all.

A business meeting was conducted by President Jane Hatch, followed by a moment of silence in memory of Betty Mullins and Clarence Gordon who died during the year. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.

Officers elected for the following year were: president, Jane Hatch; vice president, Kim Kobierski; treasurer, Diane Pelletier; secretary, Norma Gilbert. The youngest member this year was Hailey Ghiberti and the eldest was Jeanette Buck. “Happy Birthday” was sung to those whose birthdays are celebrated in August.

One new baby was born into the family this year, Monica Jane Buck, whose father is Joshua Buck. Mention was made of the marriage of Richard Bubier and Bobbi Lachance, who attended the reunion.

Following the business meeting, Hatch asked members to bring updated information on their families. It was voted to purchase a genealogy program for the computer to facilitate keeping family records.

Winners of the annual egg toss were Riley and Rebecca Sampson and the winner of the pie eating contest was Brandon Hatch

Family members and guests attended from Buxton, Canton, Augusta, Auburn, Jay, Lewiston, Lisbon, Livermore Falls, Hebron and Wales.

The next reunion will be held Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011.

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