Coach: Moose Curtis (36th year)

Last year’s record: 2 – 6

Returning letterman: Levi Lincoln (Senior)

Key losses: Rumeal Williamson, Kyle Black, Nick Stuer, Mike Skypeck, Brian McDonald, Clay Marcelin, Alex Siwila

Promising newcomers: Lou Caraglia, Sean Sherman, Jerimee Moses, Bryant Colon, Bryce Richmond

Outlook: Hebron graduated a large percentage of their team last spring. The potential of this year’s team depends upon the ability of the squad to blend together.

Coach’s coment: “Hebron will have to depend on a solid group of players that were on the JV team last year, and a core of players that are new to the academy this school year. The coaches feel that it will be exciting to blend this group together to see what success can be developed.” — Coach Moose Curtis

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