LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen voted Monday after executive session to allow the town to advertise for a highway laborer position, Town Manager Jim Chaousis said Tuesday.

Currently, there is a three-man crew working and one more laborer is needed before snow falls, he said. Last year, the crew was at five men, but one retired and that position was not filled.

There will be no additional staff on the job than what was budgeted for in June for this year, Chaousis said.

The board also voted to put a sewer referendum question before voters on Tuesday, Nov. 2 to replace the entire sewer main and sewer lines on Main Street, he said. It is part of a joint project to reconstruct about 1.1 miles of the road from Bridge Street in Livermore Falls to Pineau Street in Jay. Participating in the project are the Maine Department of Transportation, Jay Sewer Department and Livermore Falls Water District.

It is estimated that the town’s share will be about $600,000, Chaousis said.

Voters will be asked to accept two grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the amount of $258,700, he said.

As part of the same question they will be asked to authorize the town treasurer and select board chairman to issue general securities for the town to cover two USDA low-interest loans that go along with the grants for an amount not to exceed $326,300, he said.

Sewer users will pay for the loans through user fees. It is expected that by the time the bonds need to be repaid, one of the existing loans for the Sewer Department will be paid off, Chaousis said. The new project is not expected to affect the sewer rate structure, he said.

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