JAY – The Spirit of the Season Light Parade and Tree Lighting is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 4.

Parade lineup begins at 4:30 p.m. at Memco’s parking lot on Main Street in Jay. The parade will kick off at 5:15 p.m. and travel down Main Street to Livermore Falls, ending at the Geneva Hodgkins Memorial Park across from the Bank Building.

Prior to the parade, the third annual Santa’s Workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Livermore Falls Town Office. Entrance will be through the rear door at the back of the building.

Children 12 and under may purchase gifts for family members for 25 cents. Baked good will be on sale while parents wait for their children to shop.

Anyone wishing to donate items to be sold may drop them off at Cumberland Farms.

After the parade, Santa will be waiting to visit with children. Refreshments will be served.


Photos will not be taken by organizers due to budget constraints. However, people are welcome to take pictures of their children and Santa.

Individuals or businesses may donate $5 to light a bulb on the Spirit of the Season Tree in honor or in memory of a special person. All funds collected are used to buy coats for children in the Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls area.

The event is hosted by the Spirit of the Season Committee.

Anyone who wants more information or find out how to enter a float in the parade, may contact Barbara Cook at 645-4753, Carmen Cullen at 779-7146, Jackie Knight at 897-3624, or Rachel LaBrecque at 897-3491.
