JAY — School Committee members voted Thursday not to exceed $770,000 for the entire high school roof project. Voters approved that amount in June.

The board also accepted the low bid of $713,900 of Hahnel Bros. Co. of Lewiston to replace the roof.

There were five bids received for the project, Superintendent Robert Wall said.

The base bids came in from G & E Roofing Co. Inc., $658,800; Industrial Roofing Corp., $698,500; Hahnel Bros. Co., $496,600; GR Roofing Co. Inc., $742,853; and Tecta America, $666,000.

Adding in the alternate options, Hahnel came out as low bidder, Wall said.

The overall cost of the project also includes $35,000 for architect services. The architects will also oversee the construction and renovations, Wall said.


Bringing the project cost to $749,500. The additional money would cover any change orders that could be necessary.

The company may find asbestos or that they need more drains, which would come out of the contingency, he said.

Selectmen approved a resolution on Monday that allows the 15-year bond to be sold in January.

“We feel that we were fortunate that we came in within the estimate I put in the budget,” he said.

In another matter, Wall updated the board on the proposed consolidation plan with Regional School Unit 36 in Livermore and Livermore Falls.

The state education commissioner requested a few things be changed and they were done, and the plan was resubmitted, he said.


“All of the things they asked us to do were quite minor,” he said.

He expects the plan to be approved at that level in the near future.

The first public hearing on the plan will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 15, at the Jay Middle School cafeteria.

Two other hearings will also be held in January at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at Livermore Elementary School and at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 12, at the Livermore Falls High School.

Jay Chairwoman Mary Redmond-Luce questioned why the hearings were not on different days so that someone who may be busy on a Wednesday could attend a hearing. She has a standing commitment every Wednesday and will not be able to attend any of the hearings, she said.

Wall said the Reorganization Planning Committee set the hearing schedule early on. Redmond-Luce is also on the planning committee but said she hadn’t realized the hearings all fell on a Wednesday.


“We can have other meetings,” Wall said, these just satisfy the hearing requirements. “I don’t mind doing other presentations.”

A 10-page newsletter is also being prepared.

Wall held up a draft of the newsletter to inform residents in all three towns on the proposed Spruce Mountain Regional School Unit plan. The name is a temporary name.

“We tried to put it in large type print,” he said of the newsletter. Parts of the plan are also printed in it in as large print as possible, he said.

“We tried to be as neutral as possible to be fair,” he said.


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