NORWAY — A group of representatives from local charities, churches and towns will have its third meeting Thursday afternoon at Christ Episcopal Church.

Since December, the yet-unnamed group has been networking and planning a resource guide for local groups and other entities that help people in need. That way, outreach workers could tell people where to find help paying for heating oil, or help homeless teens find a place to sleep.

The group is also looking into setting up a resource center, or more than one, where people in need can be directed to agencies that can help them. At January’s meeting, suggested temporary resource center locations included local libraries, a soup kitchen and the basement of the Christ Episcopal Church, where the Oxford Hills Food Pantry is located.

The Rev. Anne Stanley hosts the group in the meetings in the basement of the Christ Episcopal Church, where she is the rector. Stanley said she hopes the group can come up with a name, coverage area and basic mission. She said the meeting is expected to last an hour to an hour and a half.

Stanley said Wednesday that she’s had a lot of feedback from people interested in helping the group. “There’s a lot of will in the community, and that’s wonderful.”

At the Jan. 13 meeting, people present represented Rumford Group Homes, the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, Community Concepts, Avesta Housing, the Maine State Housing Authority and area churches. Norway Town Manager David Holt was also present.

Thursday’s meeting will be at 2 p.m. in the basement of Christ Episcopal Church in Norway.

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