Dinner, talent show

LIVERMORE — Victory Christian Church will host a spaghetti dinner and talent show at 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 26, at 1680 Federal Road, Route 4.

Local amateur talent will include music, drama and comedic acts. The cost is $7 for adults and $3.50 for children 10 and under. Tickets are available at the door, but reservations are appreciated.

All proceeds will benefit the upcoming summer missions trip “City Vision, New York,” which is a two-week event bringing together 250 youth and adults from across the country to serve the needs of inner city kids by means of block parties, kids clubs and food distribution.

For more information, to RSVP or forward a donation, call 897-2111 or visit www.victory4me.org.

Wilton supper


WILTON — Wilton United Methodist Church will host a public supper from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. The menu will be baked beans, American chop suey, hot dogs, coleslaw, bread, homemade pies and beverages. The cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12. For more information, call 645-2190.

Pancake breakfast

LIVERMORE —  In celebration of Maine Maple Sunday, the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center will serve the first pancake breakfast in the reconstructed Farmers’ Cottage, a replica of the original 1867 historic building, which was destroyed by fire in 2008.

The event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 27, at 290 Norlands Road. No reservations are needed.

Visitors will be able to help tap trees and collect sap. Norlands’ historic farmer will demonstrate boiling sap into syrup using a cast-iron kettle over an open fire.

Those wishing may bring snowshoes or sleds and visit the 445 acres at the national historic site and the Boothby Farm. Cost will be $5 to $7 for pancakes with Norlands maple syrup; otherwise it’s free. For more information, call  897-4366 or visit www.norlands.org.

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