Car seat inspection

LEWISTON — Central Maine Medical Center and United Ambulance Service will hold a car seat inspection station from 2 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, at United Ambulance Service, 338 East Ave. No registration required.

For more information, call car seat technician June Turcotte at 795-2695 or visit

Grange meeting

DANVILLE — Members of Danville Junction Grange will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, for a potluck supper. Guests for the evening will be members of Excelsior and Sabbathday Lake granges. The meeting will start at 7 p.m., and a program will be presented by the lecturer. All grange members and guests are welcome to attend.

Eastern Star meeting


LISBON FALL — Pioneer Chapter No. 11 Lisbon Falls, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its installation of officers at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 26, at the Lisbon Falls Masonic Hall, Route 196. Stephanie Dupal, Associate Grand Matron, and Samuel Kelly, Past Patron, will be the installing officers for the afternoon. Worthy Matron-elect Gail Morgan and Worthy Patron-elect Roland Morgan and their officers will be installed.

Refreshments will be served following the meeting. This is a public installation. Anyone interested in learning more about Eastern Star is welcome.

Pine Cone Chapter

AUBURN — A new slate of officers for the Eastern Star will be installed at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 26, at the Masonic Hall, 1021 Turner St. Vicki Kelley will be installed Worthy Matron and Stephen Broas, Worthy Patron.

Norma F. Crabtree, past grand matron, will be installing matron, assisted by John E. Wardwell, past grand patron. Other installing officers will be Kathy Williamson, chaplain; Julianne Irving, marshal; Debbie Cole, organist; David Cole, solist; Rebecca Bibber, past grand matron star point ceremony.

Refreshments will be served in the dining hall after the installation. All Eastern Star, Masons and anyone interested in learning more about the Order of the Eastern Star are welcome to attend.


Degree Day

DANVILLE — a Degree Day will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 27, at Danville Junction Grange. The first and second degrees will be conferred, after which a light luncheon will be served for a small fee, followed by the third and fourth degrees. Any grange that has candidates waiting to take their degrees are invited to attend. For more information, call Maine State Deputy William Hatch at 933-2867.

Bridge winners

LEWISTON — The Lewiston-Auburn Bridge Club winners at the Multi-Purpose Center on March 15 were as follows.

1st: Paul Mitnik and Paul Sherman; 2nd: Patricia Garcia and David Lock; 3rd: Jan Arey and Linda Leotsakos; 4th: Marta Clements and Hazel Glazier.

1st in B: Marta Clements and Hazel Glazier; 2nd: Roger Labbe and Larry Fortier.


Winners at Schooner Estates on March 16 were as follows.

1st: Luke Merry, 2nd: Mike True, 3rd: David Wallace.

Games are played every Monday and Tuesday at 9 a.m. and every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. A partner is guaranteed. Call Rosemarie Goodwin at 754-1431 for information about all duplicate bridge games in the area.

Cribbage results

LEWISTON — The Lewiston Senior Citizens Cribbage League winners at the Multi-Purpose Center on March 17 were as follows.

First: Trudy Therrien and John Violette; second: Irene Beauchesne and Val Asselin; third: Jeanne Collette and Gerry Therrien; fourth: Anna Faucher and Mickie Farnum; fifth: Don Maillette and Roger Labbe

Next game will be played at 9 a.m. on Thursday March 24.

For further information, call Roger Labbe at 212-9253.

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