Is there something that really irks you? Something about your job, your family or the stuff you have to deal with every day? Share it. E-mail your peeves to or mail them to Sun Journal, attn: b section, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04240, and we’ll print them here. Please keep your gripe to under 75 words.
Can companies please stop doing online promotions, surveys and complaints. It’s rude and annoying. We’re not all online.
— Anonymous
Earth Day anecdotes on recycling made me think: Why is it we don’t recycle more types of plastic, not just #2? Some people recycle tin foil! We barely accept plastic.
— Anonymous
Why do the cities accentuate center islands on roads with annuals? Wouldn’t perennials be more cost effective? I know salt for roads injures them somewhat, but my roadside plants thrive without fussing. Just a thought.
— Anonymous
Send questions/comments to the editors.