NORWAY — St. Catherine’s Sodality installed its newly elected officers during the monthly business meeting on May 10. Commissioned to form the Executive Committee and govern the organization over the next two years were Anna Saar, president; Sylvia Michaud-Kessel, vice president; Patricia McCaughin, secretary; and Ethel Lacourse, treasurer.
The inspirational installation ceremony was conducted by Linda Jack, a past president of St. Catherine’s Sodality and the Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Each new officer was given a long-stemmed rose and a patron saint, who exemplified the characteristics that the officer would need to display and draw on during her term in office. Michaud-Kessell, who is remaining as vice president, was given a pink azalea plant as a memento of the Sodality’s gratitude for her service as acting president during the past year.
Other business conducted at the meeting included the planning of the annual summer fundraising raffle, which is being held each weekend in July since July 9.
- The newly installed officers of St. Catherine’s Sodality, from left, are Patricia McCaughin, secretary; Anna Saar, president; Linda Jack, former president; Sylvia Michaud-Kessell, vice president; and Ethel Lacourse, treasurer.
- Sylvia Michaud Kessell was given a memento of thanks for her service as acting president during the past year.
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