NORWAY — The Board of Selectmen issued its second hawkers and peddlers license last week, saying guidelines must be drawn up to regulate the street businesses.

Angela Bonville of Maple Street was granted permission to sell handmade jewelry at the town square on Main Street on Fridays and Saturdays this summer.

The vote was 4-1 Thursday, with Russ Newcomb dissenting.

“I tend to encourage free enterprise but I worry a little bit about having dozens of people out there doing it,” Newcomb said. He would like guidelines established, he said.

In early July, selectmen issued the first hawkers and peddlers license to James Howard of 268 Main St. Howard applied to continue a weekly yard sale on Main Street after several people complained to police about it.

The board allowed Bonville to pay only $25 of the $50 fee because she was starting so late in the summer.


Town Manager David Holt said earlier that he believed the hawkers and peddlers license was set up in 1936 with a $50 fee in order to discourage people “from away” from setting up businesses on the streets and taking away from local businesses.

Bonville said after the meeting that she and her husband and four children recently purchased a home on Maple Street and intend to make Norway their home for a long time but need to make extra money to pay the bills.

The board will review both businesses at the end of the season before it decides what guidelines it may establish for future peddlers.

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