The “Fairy Houses and Nature” class offered through the L.O.O.K (Learning Opportunities for Our Kids) program at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School took a field trip to Robert’s Farm. Robert’s Farm is free and open to the public through the Western Foothills Land trust. The trail system offers a 5K and a 3K loop, for hiking and walking in the summer and cross country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter, as well as building fairy houses anytime. Pictured building a fairy house along the trail are Emily Cummings of Norway, at left, with her cousin Maggie Wilson of Maryland. Teacher of this class, Jessica Person, also a teacher at The Boxberry School, provided the opportunity to collect natural objects such as sticks, leaves, flowers, ferns and rocks to build little houses for fairies to come visit and perhaps make a home. For more information about Robert’s Farm, visit To support the L.O.O.K program or for more information, call Cyndy Tinsley at 890-4968.
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