100 years ago, 1911

The boys of the And. Boys’ Club, through their leader, F. Forrest Pease, have extended an invitation to the members of W. L. U. and their husbands to be present at a corn roast to be held on the Reservation on the banks of the Androscoggin River, from four to nine o’clock, Wednesday next. Access to the grounds is by way of Montello Street. Those desiring to go are requested to notify Mrs. E. L. Philoon, the president of the union, so that a sufficient amount of corn may be provided.

50 years ago, 1961

Chandler Barbour, 29, of Winthrop, has been named as principal of Washburn School, Auburn, to succeed the late Mrs. Grace Arnold, it was announced yesterday by Schools Supt. Lewis E. Webber.

Barbour, who will take over his new position immediately, has been released from contract obligations at Winthrop where he was principal of an elementary school. He comes to Auburn highly recommended, according to Webber.

25 years ago, 1986

The Lewiston Planning Board will review final plans for Crestwood Estates, a proposed planned-unit development on the north side of Randall Road, when it meets Tuesday at the city building.

Michael Theberge and his brother, Joseph, will seek $2.1 million in industrial revenue bonds to finance the eight-building, 64-unit apartment complex. If built, the complex would occupy 7.25 acres of land between Pond and Grove streets. It will be the city’s third planned-unit development.