FARMINGTON — Classes will move and construction will be halted at Mt. Blue High School on Friday because a written threat was found at the school a couple of days ago.

The threat indicated a potential issue on Friday and although the school and Farmington Police Department has been investigating, the decision was made to close the building but still hold classes at other locations, RSU 9 Superintendent Michael Cormier said.

The building will  be open for parent/teacher conferences and the senior parent meeting planned for Thursday night at Mt. Blue High School. The building will close after these events.

A letter is being sent home with students Thursday night explaining the relocation of students and staff for the day:

*All 11th and 12th grade students riding buses should get off the bus at Mount Blue Middle School Friday morning.

*All 9th and 10th grade bus students should get off the bus at Cascade Brook School.


*Students who drive their own vehicles to school should go to Mount Blue Middle School and park in the bus parking lot.

From Cascade Brook School, 10th grade students will be transported to Academy Hill School for the day and 9th grade students will remain at CBS.

Both 11th and 12th grade students will remain at Mount Blue Middle School for the day. Students in these grades who attend Foster Technology Center but don’t have vehicles will be transported to the FTC Annex on High Street. Those with vehicles may drive directly to the Annex Friday and remain there.

All students will be transported back to MBMS to take regular buses home.

Construction workers are also affected by the closing of the school on Friday, Cormier said. Work will stop on the renovation/addition at Mt. Blue for the day to ensure their safety.

The school’s evacuation plan was used to implement the quick change in class locations, he said. The only difference is that students won’t start at the high school.

The letter also advises parents who don’t want their children to attend school Friday to either call 778-3561 Thursday afternoon, email or send a note with the student on Monday morning.