WEST PARIS — The fourth annual Let Your Light Shine memorial fundraiser is underway at the West Paris Public Library. The Friends of the Library are sponsoring the bedecking of the library with sparkling white lights to honor those who have a special place in our hearts and lives. There will be a lighting party at 6:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9. The library’s memorial lights will be turned on for the first time this season, and refreshments will be served. Area residents and visitors alike are invited to join in the fun.

“There will be a special Christmas tree at the library,” said librarian Patty Makley. “Students in Eva Kozun’s art classes at the Agnes Gray Elementary School decorated the tree. They each made ornaments for this purpose. The students have requested that the ornaments be sold at the lighting ceremony and afterwards. Proceeds will be used to help fund children’s activities at the library.”

The names of those remembered and honored via the Let Your Light Shine fundraiser will be permanently inscribed in the Library’s Memory Book. The suggested donation is $5 from adults and $1 from children under 12 for each person to be honored. The funds are used by the Friends to provide furnishings, books and supplies and to support special programs for the library.

Donations may be mailed to Lights at W. Paris Public Library, P.O. Box 307, West Paris, ME 04289 or dropped off at the library, 226 Main St. Each donation should include the name of the person(s) to be honored (living) or remembered (deceased) and which category they fall under, as well as the name, address and phone number of the donor(s) and their relationship to the person(s) being honored or remembered.

The library is open Monday and Friday from 1:30-6 p.m., Wednesday from 1:30-7 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For more information call 674-2004.

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