This is in response to the article about the apology offered by Lewiston’s new mayor-elect Robert Macdonald (Dec. 15). I applaud him for dong so, but I take offense to the comments of Abdifatah Ahmed speaking for the Somali community.

Macdonald did not mention any special race or gender in offering his apology.

I think Ahmed needs to thank Macdonald and the citizens of Lewiston and the United States for their generous assistance that his community has received.

That being said, I would like to see Macdonald and the new members of the City Council listen more and talk less in the early days and months of their new positions.

There are many very intelligent elected and appointed individuals at the meetings to learn from.

In the interest of the citizens, most people want to see their local government work together and keep in mind why they are part of a very important group that can get things done in a timely manner.

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