NEWRY — Trying to combat the snow-drought perception this winter, Sunday River Ski Resort is offering $5 lift tickets for night skiing this week.

From 4 to 8 p.m. through Saturday, Feb. 25, people can use the night-ski area of South Ridge and North Peak for the reduced price.

The marketing hook is to prove a point, Nick Lambert, vice president of marketing and sales, said Tuesday afternoon.

For this vacation week, they’ve had more skiers and riders than the same time last year, Lambert said.

“Our numbers — tickets and lodging — were really strong leading up to this week and have continued to be up to this point, but we’re still battling with the perception that there isn’t much snow due to the lack of natural snow this winter,” spokeswoman Darcy Morse said.

“By offering $5 night skiing, it allows us to drive business to the resort, and our hope is that once people are here and see how good our conditions are, they decide to stay for a couple of days,” she said.


She said the offer also helps drive awareness of other evening activities the resort offers, like snow tubing.

“We figured the night-skiing angle was good, particularly in the day-traffic radius,” Lambert said.

“So, from Auburn, Rumford, South Paris, etc., basically all those people and particularly for all those kids out of school this week, it makes it easier for them to get up and see us, see that the skiing’s good, and see that there is snow.”

Since Sunday River began offering night skiing at South Ridge and North Peak — areas that are serviced by the Chondola and South Ridge Express lifts — Lambert said it has been very successful.

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