Editor’s note: Incorrect information was submitted. Free testing will take place on Tuesday, March 13.

LEWISTON – WMCA Health Services will join the nation on Thursday, March 10, to celebrate the nationally recognized Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. To celebrate WMCA Health Services will offer free HIV and STD testing to all women and girls from March 7-11 at the 179 Lisbon St. site.

A grassroots consortium throughout the state has united to provide testing events, outreach efforts and speaking engagements to highlight HIV/AIDS and the impact it has on Maine’s women and girls. WMCA Health Services, along with the State of Maine HIV, STD, and Viral Hepatitis Program, the Maine AIDS Alliance and many other community agencies statewide have worked together to sponsor and coordinate events.

“This is an extremely important event and it should remind us that HIV does not discriminate,” said Dr. Stephen Sears, acting director of the Maine Center of Disease Control.  “In fact, women make up one quarter of all new HIV infections in the country. Getting tested should be a part of routine health care since early diagnosis and care leads to longer and healthier lives.” 

“It is so exciting when we can offer free testing for these infections. Testing is easy. The HIV tests are done by taking a sample from the inside of the mouth and the results are known in 20 minutes. Chlamydia and gonorrhea testing are usually by a urine sample or a swabbing of the vagina done by the client herself. No exam is needed,” said Sara Hayes, a nurse practitioner at WMCA Health Services. 

Kathy Coleman, another WMCA nurse practitioner, said, “I recommend women under 25 get tested yearly and older women get tested if they or their partner had a different partner since they were last tested or if they have some symptoms they are wondering about. Unfortunately, chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV often don’t have symptoms so that is why routine testing should be done.”

For information, call WMCA Health Services at 795-4007. Same day and evening appointments available.

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