Caring for dogs

NORWAY — Responsible Pet Care is in urgent need of foster homes, dog walkers and fundraising. An informational meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, at the Norway Town Office.

Oxford Hills no longer has a place for stray, abandoned or surrendered dogs to be placed. Thoughts and ideas are needed about a possible dog park and dog kennel in the area. Monthly meetings are planned.

Donations welcome; make checks payable to Responsible Pet Care — Dogs, PO Box 82, Norway ME 04268.

For more information, call Jackie Stoutamyer at 743-7152 or Helen Robillard at 743-1193.

Potluck supper


WATERFORD — The Wilkins Community House will hold a community potluck supper at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 15. All are welcome.

The Community House is located in Waterford Flat on Plummer Hill Road behind the village green next door to the church. Community suppers are held on the third Thursday of each month through May. The hosts for this supper are Joanne and Ralph McKinnon, Clara Hamlin and Jane Kimball.

Bring a friend and a dish to share.

Boiled dinner

NORWAY – A classic New England boiled dinner will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 16, at Second Congregational Church, 205 Main St. The public is invited. Proceeds will benefit the church’s many missions and general fund.

The cost will be $8 for adults and $4 for children under age 10.


On the menu will be corned beef cooked to perfection by Chef Foster Shibles, cabbage, onions, beets, potatoes, carrots, homemade rolls, homemade pies, coffee and juice. Come early, because this popular dinner sells out.

The Second Congregational Church is a member of the United Church of Christ. Members welcome all to worship, study and join in fellowship. Worship and church school is every Sunday at 10 a.m. For information, call the church office between 9 a.m. and noon Tuesday through Thursday at 743-2290 or visit

Clothing Center

HARTFORD — Hartford Community Church Clothing Center will be open from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 17. The Clothing Center is directly opposite the Hartford Community Church on Church Street.

Honey Bee Club

PARIS — Oxford Honey Bee Club will meet at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 17, at the Maine Ext. Corp. Center on Route 26. The speaker will be Tony Jadczak, Maine State apiarist, bee inspector.


This is a class that all beginners and anyone interested in getting started with raising honey bees should attend.

This is free to the public. For more information contact John Selionen at 743-5009.

Flea market, bake sale

LOVELL — A flea market and bake sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 17, at the Lovell United Church of Christ on Route 5. There will be lunch, baked goods, crafts, flea market items, antiques and furniture. For table rental or information, contact Linda Libby at 925-3661.