Society topic: vets’ wreaths

NEW VINEYARD — The New Vineyard Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 16, at the Historical room.

Wreaths Across America will be presented by Joe Ross of Wilton. He will present a slideshow explaining about the Christmas Wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery and other cemeteries that request wreaths.

Refreshments will be served.

For information, contact Elaine Wells, vice president, at 778-2106 or

Community, ladies breakfast


RANGELEY — The next Ladies/Community Breakfast with everyone invited to attend will be on Wednesday, May 16, at Farm House Inn on Route 4 south of Rangeley, from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Anyone with special dietary needs should call in advance so they can try to accommodate your needs. For more information call 864-5805.

Heritage society plant sale

CHESTERVILLE — The Chesterville Heritage Society will hold its 3rd annual plant sale from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 19, at the Chesterville Town Hall on the Pope Road.

This popular annual event features low prices and great variety, from vegetable garden seedlings to potted flowers, herbs, annual flower seedlings, perennials, berry bushes and trees.

Funds raised will go toward the construction of the Chesterville Heritage museum, a renovation project that is nearing completion.


To donate plants for the sale, call Linda Harris at 778-2863.

Garden Club plant sale

FARMINGTON — Mt. Blue Area Garden Club members will hold their annual plant sale at Meetinghouse Park on Saturday, May 19, beginning promptly at 9 a.m., rain or shine. Numerous species of locally dug perennials will be available at reasonable prices.

MBAGC uses the proceeds of the sale to beautify the town of Farmington’s court house garden and the WWI Memorial Garden. A scholarship also goes to Anne Mallett’s Bug camp for deserving young children who might not otherwise be able to attend. For information call 645-2067.

Fayette Fun Day

FAYETTE — The School & Home Association will hold its annual Fayette Fun Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 19, at Fayette Central School.


Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children, no charge for children under 1 year old.

Organizers are looking for anyone who has something they would like to bring to share with the kids like trucks, farm equipment, animals or anything else that would add to the day of fun. Volunteers are also needed. Call Jen Bero at 685-4172.

Plant sale to ‘Ending Hunger’

JAY — A plant sale to benefit Ending Hunger will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 19, at the Otis Federal Credit Union parking lot, 170 Main St. Any questions or to donate plants, contact Elise at 897-0900, ex 100.