Birding walk May 23

AUBURN — Join the Stanton Bird Club of Lewiston/Auburn on Wednesday, May 23, from 7 to 11 a.m. for an annual favorite: a walk through prime riverside habitat, then on to the Benjamin farm to round out the morning’s birding. Tom Hayward (782-5238) will lead the group. Meet at the Sylvester home, 1128 Riverside Drive, at 7 a.m.

Sodality meeting

LEWISTON — The Ladies of St. Joseph’s Queen’s Guild Sodality will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, at Governor’s Restaurant, 1185 Lisbon St.

The special guest speaker will be Deacon Brother Irenee Richard, O.P.

For more information, members and any ladies who are interested in attending can call Clara Glendenning at 782-1851 or Amy Ashton at 784-6374.


Dinner, music to aid veterans

AUGUSTA — A night of dinner and music will take place at 5 p.m. Friday, May 25, at LeClub Calumet, 334 Northern Ave. Proceeds will benefit veterans.

Musical acts include Blue Sky Project featuring Rick Jennings and Dale Boothby, FireWater Creek, MC and guest appearance by Dan Johnson of the broadstreet band, and Altertone.

Tickets are $5. For tickets, more information or to donate, call Randy Jennings at 215-4625.

Shaker Village opens May 25

NEW GLOUCESTER — The 2012 season at Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26, will open at 10 a.m. Friday, May 25. Daily tours, special exhibits, workshops and demonstrations will be part of the season that runs through Oct. 8.


A workshop on how to make a traditionally designed painted canvas floorcloth will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 26. Preregistration required. $55.

Guided nature hikes of the village will be available at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 26. Learn much about flora, fauna and history while hiking through the fields, Shaker woods, Loon’s Point, Aurelia’s Cascade and the Old County Road. For hike details including fees as well as information on other programs, visit or call 926-4597.

Memorial Day in Durham

DURHAM — Durham will hold its first Memorial Day celebration on May 28. A parade honoring veterans will begin at 10 a.m. at Davis Road and run south on Royalsborough Road (Route 136) to the back entrance of the Durham Community School. Stops will be made at the gazebo and at the Sawyer Cemetery.

There will also be a fun run to benefit AMVETS Post 13. Parade, Fun Run and sponsor forms are available at, at the Town Office, Durham Get-n-go and Asselyn’s Garage.

Lisbon events on Memorial Day


LISBON FALLS — The annual Memorial Day parade will assemble at 8:30 a.m. and start at 9 a.m. Monday, May 28, at Crafts Transport, Route 196. The parade will proceed to Main Street, Lisbon Falls, up Main Street to School Street, to Addison Street, to Campus Avenue, to Berry Avenue, back to Route 196, then to Lisbon High School.

From the high school, buses will transport the participants needing rides to Lisbon Elementary School for re-assembly. The parade will then proceed down Village Street, Lisbon, to the Veterans Memorial Bridge on Webster Street, then to Coombs-Mountfort Post 158. Those needing rides may ride the buses from Post 158 back to the high school.

Refreshments for the participants will be provided at Post 158. Organizations wishing to participate should call Mona Naragon at 353-6104 or Russ Wrede at 751-0456.

Wreath laying ceremonies are scheduled at Morse Elementary and Lisbon High schools, the Veterans Memorial Bridge in Lisbon and at Post 158.