I am really disillusioned with the legislation produced by the past session of the state Legislature. I suppose the legalization of fireworks is the best thing they could think of to promote business. It will certainly increase emergency room business. The past Fourth produced several accidents. The children will suffer most. In my childhood they were banned because of the injuries.

The Maine Legislature is apparently willing to exchange fingers, eyes and skin for dollars. It is the religion of dollars they preach — dollars for the rich and special interests.

I am glad they defeated the bill to allow guns in the State House. It is difficult to tell what that would have produced; however, you can still carry one openly in any public place. Those who flaunt them in public are probably not the most stable of our citizens.

They killed bills to prevent the hiring of family members (such as the governor’s daughter at a salary way above entry level), tax relief, provide a committee to review health care costs, reduce the size of the House of Representatives, and study legislators’ benefits. However, to their credit, they also killed a bill submitted by the governor to exempt his appointees from the cuts he imposed on other state employees.

We used to be able to get an email list of hearings on proposed bills by subscribing. That has been eliminated. Apparently they do not want to hear what we, the people, think.

Marilyn Burgess, Leeds

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