Spiritualist events

HARTFORD — Spiritual Healing Pinpoint of Light Spiritualist Camp will present Spiritual Healing, with Kenneth Green, MPI, at 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12.

Green recently completed the Morris Pratt course for spiritual healers and is in the process of obtaining certification as a commissioned spiritualist healer with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. He will share stories and techniques that are effective in healing work.

A $15 donation is suggested. The workshop will be held at 546 Town Farm Road. In the event of inclement weather, it will be held at the Hartford Town Hall, Main Street. For more information, call Penny at 388-3436.

The Spiritualist Camp will also host a Mediums’ Day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11. Maine mediums will be available to give 15-minute readings for $15. Spiritualist healers will also be on site at 546 Town Farm Road. In the event of inclement weather, it will be held at the town hall. To make reservations, call Penny at 388-3436.

Book sale extended

DIXFIELD — The summer book sale at the Ludden Memorial Library, Main Street, has been so successful that the library staff is extending the sale until Sept. 5.  The public is invited to browse the shelves and tables downstairs in the library.  Pricing is by donation.

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