PERU — Selectmen were informed Monday night that the boat launch for Worthley Pond will be closed while additional riprap is placed on the banks and repairs are made to bolts and planking.

The news came from Leon Bucher from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Drains will be installed at the edges of the parking spaces on the tar ends, and the drains will be grassed over and tire stops will be placed to prevent vehicles from driving on the lawn and making ruts.

Selectmen will meet Tuesday, Sept. 4.

The Appeals Board will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 30, to act on the appeal presented regarding the JC Demolition and Recycling permit. The firm wants to operate a junkyard at the old Diamond Mill factory next to the Androscoggin River.

An informational meeting on the wind ordinance, and public hearings on the recall of elected municipal officers ordinance and the electronic sign ordinance will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 10.

A building permit was approved for David Arsenault on East Shore Road for a Coverit and Tony Umbro of Mineral Springs Road for a roof over a dog pen.

The board sent the names of three attorneys to the wind committee for them to choose an attorney last week. Since none was chosen, the board voted for Sally Daggett from Portland. Daggett is the same attorney Sumner used to review its ordinance.

The winter sand bid was awarded to R.A. Tibbetts of Oxford, who was the low bidder at $8.15 per yard for a total of $16,000. Road Commissioner Joe Roach said they would start getting the sand as soon as there is room in the shed.

Selectman Kathy Hussey motioned to put a time cap on the board meetings, because last week’s ran over two hours. Laurieann Milligan and Tim Holland voted for the motion, and Ed Ferland and Richard Powell voted against. As soon as it passed, Ferland lashed out at the other three selectmen saying it is always the three of them against he and Powell.

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