David Marquis made a few misstatements in his letter (Aug. 26).

He stated that Republicans are trying to place roadblocks to suppress voters. In fact, all they are trying to do is have voters show identification, just as we must when purchasing tobacco, alcohol or certain over-the-counter cold medicines. Florida officials found numerous illegal aliens had voted in the last election, which was won by less than 2 percent.

Marquis stated that Paul Ryan’s budget proposal takes $170 million from the poor college students. I thought Mitt Romney was running and it was Romney’s budget people should be talking about.

Another scare tactic to try and mislead the voters.

He mentioned Medicaid as an entitlement? Medicaid was never part of the original Social Security act. Medicare was and remains an entitlement all taxpayers pay through payroll deductions. Medicaid is a freebie designed by liberals to care for people on welfare, and which many illegal aliens misuse.

The Republican House of Representatives has voted to end ObamaCare and on many occasions voted on different jobs plans. It is the Democratic-controlled Senate that has not voted on a national budget in six years, any jobs bill, or pretty much anything that has come out of the House in two years.

Marquis failed to mention that when President Barack Obama had control of the House and Senate he failed to pass a budget, jobs plan or fix Social Security. Instead, he wasted all that time on ObamaCare that 57 percent of Americans want rescinded.

Duane Dumont, Winthrop

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