Rummage sale set for Oct. 6

PARIS — The Universalist Church fall rummage sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6. It will feature items for children and adults. A bag sale will take place from 12:30 to 2 p.m.

Christmastide Chorus rehearsals

NORWAY — Under the direction of Shirli Allen-Heald, singers from six communities in the Oxford Hills gathered to preview sacred and secular Christmas music at the Second Congregational Church, UCC, of Norway on Sept. 30.

The singers are preparing for the eighth annual Christmastide Concert to take place Sunday, Dec. 9.

Christmastide is an annual celebration at the Second Congregational Church. The chorus is made up of both church members and community members of all ages. The concert, a tradition to begin the holiday season, is free to the public. The full capacity house enjoys secular and sacred selections from both the bell choir and the vocal chorus.


Singers of all voices are invited to join the Christmastide chorus. Future rehearsals will be held every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.

For more information about joining, contact the church office at 743-2290 or arrive at 2:45 p.m. on Oct. 7 or 14 to pick up music.

Pinpoint lists Sunday services

HARTFORD — Sunday services at the Pinpoint of Light Spiritualist Center have returned to 10:30 a.m. at the Hartford Town Hall, 1190 Main St.

Kenneth Green will present a spiritual healing workshop on Oct. 7 at 12:30 p.m. at the Hartford location. Participants will explore important components necessary for healing, including preparation, receptivity, expectations, follow-through, contact healing, absent healing and trust.

Green has been involved in healing for three decades. His Mic Mac ancestry brings that spirit into his healing work. He makes Native American flutes and also teaches classes on making turtle shell rattles and drums. He and his wife, Laura Lee Perkins, have recorded several CDs of traditional Native American music. A donation of $15 is suggested.


On Oct. 13, a Mediums’ Day Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hartford location. Mediums will give 15-minute readings for $15. Spiritualist healers will also be available for those who want to experience healing through the laying on of hands. The morning hour slots fill up quickly. Call Penny at 388-3436 for advanced reservations.

‘When Bad Things Happen’

PARIS — Anita White will be the guest speaker at the First Universalist Church on Pine Street on Sunday, Oct. 7. The title of White’s 10 a.m. sermon is “When Bad Things Happen.” Music is under the direction of Donna Hurd and Sunday School is under the direction of Renee Wales. Coffee and fellowship will follow the worship service. All are welcome and childcare is available.

Author Pinkham to speak at library

PARIS — Steve Pinkham, author of “Old Tales of the Maine Woods,” will speak at the Paris Public Library at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct.

Pinkham will discuss his research in collecting more than 22,000 stories and articles about the Maine Woods, and will share a few of the stories the book includes.


“Old Tales of the Maine Woods” offers a variety of stories, from 1849 to 1913, about fishing, hunting, lumbering, camping, canoeing and other adventures in Maine’s northern forests. Authors of the pieces range from the famous to the obscure to the unknown, but all share an interesting perspective on Maine’s frontier history. Copies of the book will be for sale and signing.

For more information, call the lLibrary at 743-6994 or email

Jones Band to perform

PARIS — The Jones Dance Band will perform from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays, Oct. 13, 20 and 27 at the American Legion Hall, Church Street. The cost is $5.

Fall dinner at Otisfield Baptist

OTISFIELD — The East Otisfield Free Baptist Church will host the second fall season dinner on Saturday, Oct. 13, at the church, 231 Rayville Road, off Route 121.

The menu will be Italian, with spaghetti, macaroni, meatballs, sausages, garlic bread, salads and desserts. The first setting will be at 5 p.m. and the second at 6, with room for 36 at each setting. Donations will be used to support the Deacon’s Fund, which is used to help people in need.