Vet monument unveiling dates

LEWISTON — Joseph Paradis, founder of the Veterans Memorial Park and director representing the Military Order of the Purple Heart on the L & A Veterans council, reminds all veterans who wish to have his or her name engraved on the monument in the Veterans Park that they must have an honorable discharge from military service. A DD-214 military discharge form is required.

The unveiling of the completed 24th monument has been postponed from Veterans Day due to weather. It will be unveiled, along with the 25th and final momunent of the current design, next Memorial Day, May 25. To have a name added to the 25th stone, call vice-chairman Maurice Dutil at 784-1206 or director Joseph Paradis at 786-0488.

Summit on sexism, violence

BRUNSWICK — Boys to Men will be hosting its annual RSVP Summit from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, at Bowdoin College.

Boys to Men provides a bystander intervention training program called RSVP (Reducing Sexism and Violence Program) to middle schools, high schools and colleges throughout the state. RSVP is a student-based, training-the-trainers violence prevention program. It focuses on empowering students as “bystanders” to effectively respond to, as well as prevent, bullying, interpersonal violence and harassment.


On Oct. 18, more than 100 students and faculty advisers who have gone through this training will convene at Bowdoin College. Community Partners from Family Crisis Services, SARSSM, AddVerb Productions and Bowdoin Men Against Sexual Violence will be facilitating motivational workshops and activities throughout the day. The students will be encouraged to share ideas with RSVP teams from other schools and to learn more about how they can continue this important work in their schools.

Book Club Interest Survey

LEWISTON — The Lewiston Public Library is working on setting up a variety of options, different times of day and different types of books, for people looking to get into a book discussion club. Interested individuals are invited to complete the library’s online Book Club Interest Survey which is available at

The library plans to use the survey results to set up book clubs that will first meet in November. For more details on the survey, contact the adult services staff at 513-3135 or via email at

Supper benefits Helaina Lake

WINTHROP — A spaghetti supper will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19, at St. Francis Parish Hall, Route 133.


Suggested donation is $10.

Proceeds will benefit Helaina Lake, who was severely wounded while serving in Afghanistan. She is currently undergoing intensive physical therapy at Walter Reed Hospital.

A box of cards or notes will also be delivered to her. The supper is hosted by Fr. Gilbert Patenaude Knights of Columbus.

Book Club Day is Oct. 21

LEWISTON — The Book Club Day, a special event dedicated to books and book clubs, will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21, in Callahan Hall at the Lewiston Public Library. Featured speaker is William D. Bushnell of the National Book Critics Circle. For details, visit or call 513-3135.

Hebron Historical public hours


HEBRON — Hebron Historical Society recently held a grand opening open house at its new home at 358 Paris Road. The facility will now be open to the public on Tuesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. or by appointment.

A team of members has organized the society’s archives and welcomes citizens wishing to tour the facility or to research history and genealogy of the Hebron area and its earlier citizens and families. For further information call 966-2177.

The society’s next fundraiser will be a bake and food sale at the Hebron town office on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6. Anyone willing to donate baked goods or prepared food for this event is asked to call 966-2177 or 966-2663.

Babysitting training program

AUBURN — Girl Scouts of Maine is offering a Babysitting 101 training program for all area girls in grades five through nine.

The program will include: Getting your baby-sitting business started, playtime ideas for children of all ages, understanding the likes and dislikes of children, troubleshooting and solutions to the most common problems a baby-sitter faces and Babysitting 101 certification.

The program will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m to 1:30 p.m. in the Auburn area. The cost of the program is $6. There is an additional $12 membership fee for non-Girl Scouts. Membership assistance is available for the membership fee.

Space is limited. Pre-registration along with payment is necessary by Oct. 24.

To find out how to register or for more information, contact Jeanie Duguay at 364-3639 or 1-888-922-4763, ext. 237, or

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