PERU — Two recall petitions were submitted to the Board of Selectmen on Friday morning, asking that Selectmen Kathy Hussey and Laurieann Milligan be removed from office.

In November the town voted to adopt an ordinance that would allow residents to draft a petition calling for the recall and removal of an elected municipal official, with the exception of a School Board member.

The ordinance also states that “if a recall of more than one official is being sought, there shall be a separate petition for each official whose removal is being sought.”

According to Town Clerk Vera Parent, the recall petitions will not be considered official until some time next week, after each signature on them has been verified.

Milligan said Friday afternoon, after the selectman’s meeting, that the petition, was a complete surprise to her.

She said the recall petition stated there was “a loss of faith in her ability to serve the town.”


She later said she’s not mad about the recall petition but “disappointed.”

“It’s my opinion that you need to give someone time to grow into the position,” Milligan said. “I hope educated voters will come out to the referendum, if the petition is verified. And if I’m voted out, I hope the person who replaces me will actually get a chance to grow into the position and not get railroaded.”

Milligan also said she believes those who attend board meetings get “upset if they don’t like a decision we make or the color of the shirt we’re wearing.

“As a result, they take their personal belief and experiences, reiterate them to individuals and get signatures from those who agree,” Milligan said. She said the negativity and animosity are “setting the town back.”

However, despite the recall petition, Milligan said she holds no ill will toward those who submitted them.

“I don’t have a bad thing to say about anybody,” Milligan said. “I just hope voters can take the time to think before they make a decision.”

Hussey could not be reached for comment Friday evening.

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