Meadowview seniors plan trips

LEWISTON — Meadowview Senior Complex will host the following trips, which are open to all. Profit from some of the trips helps residents in different activities.

March 15, Spirit of Riverdance & Celtic Woman in Massachusetts; price includes bus, meal and show.

April 6 Sugar Party in Lac Megantic, Canada; price includes bus, meal and shopping.

June 4-9, Cruise from Boston to Nova Scotia to visit St. John and Halifax; price includes bus, cruise, cabin, meal and entertainment.

Oct. 6, cruise on Lake Winnipesaukee, train ride with a full meal on the train in the New Hampshire mountains.


Nov. 17, Annual trip to Indian Head Resort; price includes bus, meal, refreshment, Christmas show, photo with Santa and gift, plus a stop at the Christmas Loft.

For more information, contact Bert Dutil, travel guide, at 786-2305.

Auburn Art Club meeting Jan. 7

AUBURN — The Auburn Art Club will hold its first meeting of the New Year on Monday, Jan. 7, at 2 p.m. at the Park Avenue Methodist Church.

The speaker will be Rachel Robinov, daughter of chairman Genevieve Dussault, who will enlighten on the subject of silk. She will talk about some of its history and describe the dyeing process. Examples of the process will be demonstrated, and she will have several examples of silk products to share.

Robinov has a degree in fine arts and art history and has taught art at the elementary school level in various towns. She lives in Cumberland and summers on Cliff Island.


Genevieve Dussault is the chairman of this committee and will be assisted by Marge Flaherty and Cyndie Ferron. All members are encouraged to attend.

CODA resumes rehearsals Jan. 8

WINTHROP — CODA Chorus will begin rehearsals for the spring concert. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Winthrop United Methodist Church. New and returning members are invited to come at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8, to pick up music and to visit with other singers before rehearsal.

CODA is under the direction of Joelle Morris, with Rebecca Caron as accompanist. For more information, call 377-4168 or visit or on Facebook.

Borrowing e-books

LEWISTON — The Lewiston Public Library will offer two Saturday workshops covering the process of borrowing e-books from the library collection. The first session on Jan. 12 will be for Kindle users and the second session on Jan. 19 will be aimed at all other devices including iPads, Nooks, mobile phones, tablets and computers. Both sessions will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the library’s second floor computer lab.


The workshops will guide participants through the library’s e-book catalog, including tips for quickly finding something interesting to read. Also covered will be getting the e-book onto your device and returning it when finished.

Both sessions are free, but advance registration is required. Each workshop will be limited to 10 participants to create the best experience. To sign up for either workshop or to obtain more details, contact the library’s Adult Services Department at or 207-513-3135.

Anyone with a library card may borrow (download) e-books from the library’s collection. For details on the library’s electronic and digital services visit the LPL/APL web branch at or contact the LPL Adult Services Department.

Knights to show movie

LEWISTON — On Sunday, Jan. 13, at 1 p.m. the Holy Cross Knights of Columbus Council 12,652 will present “The Song of Bernadette.”

There is no charge to view this movie and a concession stand will be available along with a 50/50 drawing. The movie will be shown at 1 p.m. in the Holy Cross Church Hall, 1080 Lisbon St.


In 1858 France, Bernadette, an adolescent peasant girl, has a vision of “a beautiful lady” in the city dump. She never claims it to be anything other than this, but the townspeople all assume it to be the virgin Mary. The pompous government officials think she is nuts, and do their best to suppress the girl and her followers, and the church wants nothing to do with the whole matter. But as Bernadette attracts wider and wider attention, the phenomenon overtakes everyone in the town and transforms their lives.

For more information contact GK Dan Leclair at 754-2841 or via email at or Larry Thibault at 783-6860.

Dempsey Center Reiki workshop

BRUNSWICK — The Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope & Healing is offering a free workshop for anyone interested in learning more about Reiki. The workshop will take place Monday, Jan. 14, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Parkview Adventist Medical Center, 329 Maine St.

Martha Spruce, Reiki master, will teach this gentle, hands-on technique intended to relieve stress and discomfort. Clients are encouraged to relax, fully clothed, as a practitioner’s hands are lightly placed on or near the head, shoulders, arms and legs. Reiki is one of the integrative medicine services provided by the Dempsey Center which complement the medical treatments prescribed by a physician.

Preregistration is available by calling the Dempsey Center at (207) 795-8250; toll-free 1-877-336-7287 or online at

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