RUMFORD — The River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition will be hosting its monthly networking meeting at noon on Thursday, Jan. 31.

The meeting, which will take place in the community room at the Rumford Public Library, will feature guest speaker Robert Mooney of the Maine National Guard. According to RVHCC Project Coordinator Sandra Witas, Mooney will be speaking about the National Guard’s new substance abuse program.

“He reached out to us a few months ago to join our substance abuse task force,” Witas said. “We try to reach out to as many different groups in the area as we can.”

Witas said that the community networking meetings last from September to May each year, with a break during the summer. She said their purpose was to get different groups from the community to come together and provide updates for one another.

“We’ve had so many groups since the networking meetings started,” Witas said. “We’ve had MedCare present before, as well as Safe Voices, Region 9 School and the Western Foothills Kids Association. The DHHS usually sends somebody. We had the local access TV station come in and give a presentation on the ways they’ve provided for the community. The list goes on.”

Witas added that it’s an opportunity for organizations to share information with each other and “fill in the gaps.”

For more information, contact Patty Duguay at 364-7408.