PERU — Town Clerk Vera Parent presented a list of delinquent property tax payers to the Board of Selectmen at Monday night’s meeting.

She said the liens were from 2010 and before.

Selectman Ed Ferland said the town didn’t have to maintain foreclosed properties, as they had been previously told.

Parent said the town had to pay liability insurance and insurance on the properties but not for maintenance on the properties.

Selectman Laurieann Milligan asked if other towns had some kind of payment plans or a template for people to use.

Parent said some people were working very hard to pay their taxes.


Ferland said he wanted any payment plans in writing and signed.

The board discussed having an ordinance that would address foreclosure rules, so all would know where they stood in the process.

The board adjourned to executive session for a conference call with an attorney about Kathy Hussey’s insurance. Hussey is asking for a 2 percent raise or to keep the 50 cents an hour she got by not taking the insurance.

Ferland said this was double dipping.

Selectman Dick Powell questioned how Hussey accrued the required 32 hours to qualify for insurance.

Action on the issue was tabled until next week.

Parent presented a petition with verified signatures of 220 voters requesting withdrawal from RSU 10. The petition asks voters to authorize the town to issue a note not to exceed $50,000.

Parent said the wording would need to be finalized before putting it on the June town meeting warrant.

The hearing on recalling selectmen will be held at 6 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Dirigo Elementary School.

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