LEWISTON — People being treated for cancer often experience fatigue – a tired, weak or exhausted feeling. Cancer-related fatigue may be caused by many factors depending on the type of cancer and prescribed course of treatment. There are ways to help reduce symptoms and find some much-needed relief. Find out more during a special free presentation by the expert staff from St. Mary’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, in the Lepage Large Conference Room, 99 Campus Ave.

Leading the discussion will be hematologist and oncologist, Gregory Emmons. Chris Gervais, an oncology certified nurse, will share her vast experience working with cancer patients and what methods for treating fatigue can be the most beneficial.

Physical therapist Rebecca Harrington will discuss how exercise may help to prevent or cope with weakness and provide more energy.

To register, call 777-8458. Seating is limited.

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