HARTFORD — Selectmen signed the warrant for the annual town meeting at their meeting Thursday night.

Town Clerk Lianne Bedard said the warrant articles total $30,000 more than last year, mostly due to fire coverage.

Board Chairman Lee Holman said officials are still hopeful taxes would not go up.

Selectman John Plumley said the school district is in debt and it’s uncertain how that would impact the district towns. The board also discussed the poor grades the state gave public schools this week.

In other news, Road Commissioner Jeremy Johnson reported he is surveying roads to see which ones needed work this year. The board discussed possible work on Guerney and Mahoney Hill roads.

Holman mentioned that tarred roads had not had a second coating, in most cases. Johnson agreed its was necessary. Selectmen agreed it would take several years to take care of it.

Selectmen appointed a Road Committee and suggested that Johnson meet with members for planning. Appointed were Neil Hanley, Bob L’Heureux, Dan Maddox and Barry Langer. Harley Swanson is already a member of the committee. The appointments are for a year.

Code Enforcement Officer Bill Kennedy handed in a report that included a new home on Adams Road to replace one destroyed by fire in 2012, a house addition on another street and a woodshed.

There are three families involved in tax liens on their properties, but Holman said they are working with the town office on payment plans to avoid foreclosure.

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