AUBURN — Agren Appliance and Television was honored recently by the Institute for Family-Owned Business with its top award for a large business.

Agren was founded in 1969 by brothers Douglas and Donald Agren as an appliance repair service in Auburn. The company’s operations now encompass five retail stores — in Auburn, Norway, Brunswick, South Portland and Waldoboro — under the leadership of Douglas’ son, Jason Agren.

More than 250 business leaders from across the state attended the Maine-based institute’s 2013 Maine Family Business Awards ceremony May 13 at the Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks in South Portland.

Award recipients were selected for their business success, positive business and family linkages, contributions to community and industry, family participation, work environment, communication, and innovative business practices and strategies.

According to the judges, it was a “near unanimous choice” to select Agren for the Marong Falmouth Award for a large business. They were impressed with Agren’s “ability to build customer loyalty and the sincerity that flowed from Agren’s application, from expanding operations to its investment in the community.”

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