LEWISTON — College for ME-Androscoggin has announced its First Class Scholarship for Adults. The due date is July 12.
This scholarship is based on the Early College model that is so popular with high school teens. The scholarship is designed to help adults age 25 or older take their first college course or return to college after a gap of at least five years. Scholarship funds will cover the cost of tuition for a single credit-bearing course at a regionally accredited post-secondary program in Androscoggin County. Financial need is not a consideration in selecting the winners.
Recipients will automatically become members of the First Class Cohort Program. This group will meet regularly before and during the semester to help the winners prepare for and succeed in this first course. Sessions will focus on technology, study skills, financial aid and navigating each college’s registration and enrollment procedures.
Applicants must commit to participation in the First Class Cohort Program; be an adult student 25 years of age or older starting college for the first time or returning to college after a significant gap of five or more years in enrollment; have previously earned a high school diploma or GED; not already be a degree holder from a post-secondary institution; meet the college’s prerequisites for the course; and not be an immediate family member of a College for ME-Androscoggin staff member or board of directors member.
Preference will be given to residents of Androscoggin County and finalists will be interviewed by the Scholarship Committee.
Applications are available at www.collegeformeandroscoggin.org/adults/money-for-college/scholarships or by contacting College for ME-Androscoggin at 753-6556 or at area college financial aid offices.
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