We really thought the Rumford Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee and town manager had understood the voters. With the exception of Selectman Greg Buccina, apparently not.

The budget cuts that need to be made must include personnel, as well as their benefits. The days of overstaffing and big benefit packages are gone in the private sector and the municipal budget needs to reflect what the real world is dealing with.

Given today’s realities, the town government is overstaffed, overpaid and out of touch. Town leaders need to understand that and do what is necessary for the health of the town. I notice that not a lot has changed, except that the whining has gotten louder.

Black Mountain lost a lot of goodwill when it went to court and sued for reinstatement of its initiated article request a few years back, contrary to the vote. It has redeemed itself this year with efforts on its own behalf. It is up to the skiing community, not the taxpayers, to keep it afloat. Those days are over. They can do it.

The Greater Rumford Community Center should get organized and work for self-sufficiency, then the whole town would support it. Sell T-shirts, have bake sales, bottle drives and car washes and the public will be there. People would rather buy exorbitantly expensive shirts, contribute to bake sales and overpay for car washes than pay more in taxes to support the GRCC. The excitement generated will exceed anything anyone ever dreamed possible.

Diane and Dick Pratt, Rumford

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