TURNER — More than 1,000 people saluted, covered their hearts and cheered as the American Legion Post 111 Honor Guard passed proudly with Old Glory at the head of the annual Fourth of July parade Thursday.

The Honor Guard and marching veterans were followed by a float carrying other  veterans. The float was furnished by Selectman Ralph Caldwell, his family and employees on their family farm. Caldwell also was the organizer of the parade.

Fire equipment from Buckfield, Canton, Greene, Leeds, Mechanic Falls, Turner and Wales participated in the parade.

Antique cars, antique and modern farm machinery, horse-drawn vehicles, horseback riders, cages full of puppies, marchers and bike riders participated in the 45-minutes procession.

The Strawberry Shortcake Band entertained the after-parade crowd from the gazebo on the green. Vendors sold refreshments to benefit local good works.

Miss Teen Maine Daphne Ellis greeted supporters on the green after riding a horse-drawn carriage in the parade. Ellis will be going to Florida in the near future to participate in the Miss Teen USA pageant.